WASHINGTON, April 29, 2014
Nodal Exchange, LLC has introduced 18 new power futures contracts covering 3 hub locations in MISO South. These contracts, for MISO’s new Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas hubs, are available for trading today. Nodal Exchange is the first exchange to offer cleared power futures contracts for MISO South locations.
These hub locations are available in monthly term contracts for both peak and off-peak hours within the month and settle to Real Time LMP or Day Ahead LMP for 69 months forward or Day Ahead Congestion for 14 months forward.
“We are excited to be able to offer the first futures contracts on MISO South locations enabling our participants to trade power futures on this major recent expansion of MISO”, said Paul Cusenza, Chief Executive Officer of Nodal Exchange.
About Nodal Exchange, LLC
Nodal Exchange is the first commodities exchange dedicated to offering locational (nodal) futures contracts and related services to participants in the organized North American electric power markets. Nodal Exchange offers contracts for both power and natural gas. Nodal Exchange builds on the success of the existing Regional Transmission Organization/Independent System Operator (RTO/ISO) Day Ahead and Real Time markets by offering cash-settled futures contracts in a cleared market enabling Nodal Exchange participants to effectively manage basis and credit risk. Nodal Exchange offers over 1,000 contracts on hundreds of unique locations in the RTO/ISO markets. Nodal Exchange is a designated contract market regulated by the CFTC with all contracts cleared by LCH.Clearnet Ltd. Nodal Exchange is an independent, privately held company. For more information, visit nodalexchange.com.
Nicole Ricard
Tel: 703-962-9816
Email: ricard@nodalexchange.com