WASHINGTON & LONDON, April 12, 2012
Onix Solutions Limited (OnixS) and Nodal Exchange are pleased to announce that OnixS has integrated the Nodal Exchange FIX Trade Capture service, which enables straight through processing, into its multi-exchange “out-of-the-box” OnixS directConnect product solution suite.
Nodal Exchange is a commodities exchange that provides the most granular set of cleared power contracts for North America offering over 3,800 contracts. Nodal Exchange FIX Trade Capture allows market participants to automatically feed trade details into their Energy Trading Risk Management systems, greatly increasing back office efficiency and accuracy. The trade records are delivered in real-time through a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) connection and historic searches can be performed for audit and reconciliation purposes.
OnixS is a specialist software business providing high performance multi-platform, multi-venue Direct Market Access (DMA) market data and order routing software solutions. The OnixS directConnect solutions are multi-platform implementations of Market Data Handler, Order Routing and post-trade DropCopy/Trade Capture solutions offering a range of “out-of-the-box” DMA solutions to a wide range of exchanges and liquidity pools.
“We’re very pleased that OnixS has now integrated support of Nodal Exchange into their offering for our market participants. We look forward to working with the OnixS customer base to enable straight-through trade capture for their Nodal Exchange deals,” said Ann Sacra, President and Chief Operating Officer of Nodal Exchange.
Wayne Meikle, Commercial Director of OnixS said “The key benefit of the OnixS directConnect Nodal Exchange FIX Trade Capture solutions is the speed and ease of connecting to the Nodal Exchange with “out-of-the-box” C#/.NET, C++ and Java tested and maintained solutions. We’re pleased to add the Nodal Exchange to our range of supported venues.”
About Nodal Exchange, LLC
Nodal Exchange is the first commodities exchange dedicated to offering locational (nodal) futures contracts and related services to participants in the organized North American electric power markets. Nodal Exchange builds on the success of the existing Regional Transmission Organization/Independent System Operator (RTO/ISO) Day Ahead and Real Time markets by offering cash-settled futures contracts in a cleared market enabling Nodal Exchange participants to effectively manage basis and credit risk. Daily auctions are held on over 90 key locations and weekly auctions on over 1,800 hubs, zones and nodes. The Nodal Exchange platform also accepts for clearing over the-counter (OTC) cash settled trades for power and natural gas contracts submitted by participants and brokers. Nodal Exchange is an independent, privately held company. For more information, visit nodalexchange.com.
About OnixS
OnixS is a specialist software business providing high performance multi-platform, multivenue market data and trading software solutions with a Pay As You Use (PAYU) subscription commercial model.
The OnixS products include the OnixS selfConnect range of FIX engine and FAST encoder/decoder components with venue specific calibrated FIX dialects and reference implementation source code samples designed to be easily integrated within existing .NET, C++ and Java application frameworks.
The OnixS directConnect products are calibrated and certified market data, trading, drop-copy and clearing solutions for a wide range of exchanges, brokers, liquidity pools and routing networks designed for rapid and efficient integration to automated trading strategies. www.onixs.biz
Contact Nodal Exchange:
Nicole Ricard
Tel: 703-962-9816
Email: ricard@nodalexchange.com
Contact OnixS:
Wayne Meikle
Tel: +44 20 7117 0111
Email: wayne.meikle@onixs.biz