WASHINGTON, DC, July 20, 2015
Nodal Exchange, LLC today announced the introduction of new power contracts for twenty residual aggregate zonal locations in PJM. These contracts settle against the Day Ahead Power and Day Ahead Energy plus Congestion prices published by PJM. Contracts settling against Day Ahead Power are available for current month plus 68 months forward, and contracts settling against Day Ahead Energy plus Congestion prices are available for current month plus 48 months forward.
Nodal Exchange is the first exchange to offer cleared power futures contracts for PJM residual aggregate zones, continuing its record of product expansion to better meet the needs of the market.
Since Nodal Exchange’s launch in April 2009, it has become a significant part of the North American power market, providing the most granular and diverse set of locations for trading of cleared power contracts in North America.
“Nodal Exchange is very pleased to be able to respond to our participants’ needs by adding these residual aggregate zonal contracts which allow the community to more effectively hedge risks in power prices,” said Paul Cusenza, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Nodal Exchange. “We look forward to continuing to meet market needs and provide innovation to the power markets.”
About Nodal Exchange, LLC
Nodal Exchange is the first commodities exchange dedicated to offering locational (nodal) futures contracts and related services to participants in the organized North American electric power markets. Nodal Exchange offers contracts for both power and natural gas. Nodal Exchange builds on the success of the existing Regional Transmission Organization/Independent System Operator (RTO/ISO) Day Ahead and Real Time markets by offering cash-settled futures contracts in a cleared market enabling Nodal Exchange participants to effectively manage basis and credit risk. Nodal Exchange offers over 1,000 contracts on hundreds of unique locations in the RTO/ISO markets. Nodal Exchange is a designated contract market regulated by the CFTC with all contracts cleared by LCH.Clearnet Ltd. Nodal Exchange is an independent, privately held company. For more information, visit nodalexchange.com.
Nicole Ricard
Tel: 703-962-9816
Email: ricard@nodalexchange.com