Nodal Exchange and LCH.Clearnet Ltd extend expiries to 4 years for all 72 locations offered in the daily auctions

Nodal Exchange, LLC and LCH.Clearnet Ltd announced today that they have extended expiries to include current month plus 48 months forward on 144 peak and off-peak contracts settling at 72 locations. These contract locations include all of the hubs and zones currently offered in Nodal Exchange’s daily auction. In October, Nodal Exchange and LCH.Clearnet began…

Nodal Exchange Announces Completion of Ownership Structure and Board Membership

Nodal Exchange, the first independent electronic commodities exchange for forward locational electric power trading, today announced that it has admitted a private institutional investor to complete its ownership structure in advance of Nodal Exchange’s April 8, 2009 launch. Nodal Exchange’s other shareholders include the following companies or their affiliates: DC Energy, LLC, Macquarie Cook Power,…