CFTC REGULATION 40.6(A) CERTIFICATION Submission of Rule Amendments to Nodal Exchange Rulebook Appendix C
CFTC REGULATION 40.6(A) CERTIFICATION Submission of Rule Amendments to Nodal Exchange Rulebook
CFTC Regulation 40.6(a) Certification: Notification of delisting 8 Power Futures contracts 23-030
CFTC REGULATION 40.6(A) CERTIFICATION Submission of Rule Amendments to Nodal Exchange Rulebook and Participant Agreement
CFTC Regulation 40.6(a) Certification: Amendments to Nodal Exchange Appendix A – Contract Specifications for all Power Futures
CFTC REGULATION 40.6(A) CERTIFICATION Submission of Rule Amendments to Nodal Rule 4.2.2 Trading Status
CFTC Regulation 40.6(a) Certification: Amendments to Nodal Exchange Appendix A – Contract Specifications for the Texas Compliance Renewable Energy Certificate from CRS Listed Facilities Vintage 2021- 2035 Front Half and Back Half Options due to changes in the Texas Renewable Energy Program
CFTC Regulation 40.6(a) Certification: Amendments to Nodal Exchange Appendix A – Contract Specifications updating Minimum Tick and Settlement Price Precision from $0.25 to $0.01 for Oregon Clean Fuels Program future, California Low Carbon Fuel Standard future and Washington Clean Fuels Program future 23-026
CFTC Regulation 40.6(a) Certification: Amendments to Nodal Exchange Appendix A – Contract Specifications for the Texas Compliance Renewable Energy Certificate from CRS Listed Facilities Vintage 2021- 2035 Front Half and Back Half Futures due to changes in the Texas Renewable Energy Program